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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For…

For week two of my summer X-Files project, I have a treat for you.  Or at least the idea of a treat, that with the help of you and your friends, we may all possibly one day get to eat!

My friend Amy and I, are both fans of dessert and The X-Files, and we realized that there was something lacking in the arsenal of flavors made by the famed duo Ben and Jerry… an X-Files inspired flavor.

Now, being that I am doing this project, and if you read last week’s post, you know that The X-Files is the epitome of TV for me.  If you were to ask what my X-Files of dessert is, I would say Ben and Jerry’s.  And we all know they love doing pop-culture related flavors, so why not have the world’s greatest ice cream partners hook up with the world’s greatest paranormal investigating FBI partners?

We contemplated this a while, and you can check out what we came up with at the petition site.

Please, share with your x-phile and/or ice cream loving friends, sign the petition and we may possibly end up with some X-Files inspired ice cream that we can sit down and eat as we watch the new season next year!

I guarantee it will taste better than the air in your mouth.


B&J Believe