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XF Project #7: The Music Of An X-Phile

For this week’s X-Files Project-ing… (yes, I made that a verb, which I suppose could also technically be “projecting”…). There’s been some tweeting going on in regards to X-Files related music and I really felt this was the perfect opportunity to delve into one of my favorite X-Files inspired projects: My X-Files Playlist. It is over 8 hours long and to this day remains my favorite thing to listen to because it even continues to grow.

The history of this playlist spans the quickest era of technological advancement as far as music is concerned. Its beginning can probably be traced all the way back to the time of mix tapes, the ones I made to listen to in my car in high school. But the actual list in the variety that it is today, didn’t really come to be until I was in college, when the creation of Naptser and CD burning made it a little easier.

Oh, Napster… the beginning of it all. For those who don’t know, it was the first music/file sharing program. You could upload all of the music on the CDs that you owned to Napster and your friends could listen to it, anyone could listen to it, and even download it!   For the first time ever, we had the world of music at our finger tips! It was free! It was fantastic! So of course, it quickly came to an end.  Artists still need to get paid.

During that short, yet revolutionary time, my friend Audrey and I collected a good chunk of music that was X-Files related and we started burning CDs. The playlist really hadn’t come into existence yet. You couldn’t travel with your Napster music. It needed internet access and therefore it was tethered to your computer, which was really not mobile by any stretch of the imagination, even if it was technically a laptop. You had to put it back onto a CD or one of those early mp3 players that held maybe 20 songs… maybe.

We dubbed our CDs The X-Files Greatest Hits and even made covers for them. Using, get this… The Print Shop! Yes, this was even before it was a regular thing to have Photoshop. It was also, not common to have a CD burner, so we had to search out acquaintances who did. We had three volumes by the time we graduated from college. They kept us entertained for many a late night light hang or set build in the theatre. We blared it from our dorm room on 10/13 and 11/21 and pretty much every other day of the year.


Cover of Vol I by Audrey

The requirements for a song making The X-Files Greatest Hits were as follows:

  1. The song was either used in or mentioned on the show.
  2. The song mentions the show or any of its characters and/or actors.
  3. The song related to the show in our geektasticly obsessive x-phile brains.

After graduating from college, I took my copies of the CDs with me. As technology progressed and iTunes came into existence, the CDs made the transition to playlist. I put them all together and then was able to add the entirety of the various soundtracks in existence. Whenever I hear a new song that just fits, something along the lines of, “This is a Mulder and Scully song!” goes through my head …and it gets added to the list.  The invention of YouTube has also helped in having a central location for fan videos (you used to have to search harder for those), which is a great way to discover songs that other fans connect to the show.

The playlist was one of the first things synced to my first ipod and then onto my iphone. It’s still there. It’s the only playlist that is always there. It goes on trips with me. It’s been heard during set builds, in prop shops, and theatres all around NY. I frequently get remarks about the interesting mix of music that people assume isn’t connected in any way. When I tell them it is, the most fun comes from them trying to figure out exactly how each song fits into The X-Files. It makes my geek heart happy.

So with social media and new music sharing capabilities, I have now taken the list one step further. I’ve added it to Spotify. You can listen to it two ways.

  1. For those who appreciate the lost art of the mix tape, I have the original X-Files Greatest Hit compilations (I, II, and III)in their own individual playlists in their original very thought out play order (a few tracks are missing, and some are not the original versions due to Spotify restrictions).
  2. You can listen to them all together in the playlist called “X-Philed” with all the other songs that I have added since.

Enjoy! And be sure to grab your partner and dance when Walking In Memphis comes on.


Front of Vol II


Back of Vol II (you can see the ones I couldn’t include on Spotify)


Cover of Vol III










XF Project #6: Ascend to the Stars

For the next installment of my X-Files Project, I have another T’shirt/souvenir design for you!!

This is my tribute to the mountain famous in the world of The X-Files for its link to abductions, starting with that of Dana Scully (though whether it was by aliens or the government, or both, can still be debated), and then returning to it for another big abduction plot several seasons later, with Mulder as the skeptic and Scully more willing to believe!

I took the design from the phonebook ad that Mulder looks up (yes, this was the 90’s, people still used phonebooks), when he recognizes the phrase that Duane Barry used when trying to explain where he was supposed to be going to meet his alien abductors.


The newest version can be found on Zazzle. I played with the color and shape, and plan on adding a few more choices for the color of the actual design in the near future, as well as adding more items.  I have also left the option available for you to pick the actual item color and style.  There is also an older version of this design on Café Press, if you prefer it in black.


This is your chance to own a souvenir from Skyland Mountain!  You can claim that you found your mountain, and came back without being abducted! …Or did you?

XF Project #5: Back in the day…

I am aware that I am getting behind on this.  But some of my projects have been taking a little more time than expected, so I keep getting delayed.  But I did promise a post a week.  So I was going through some old photos to see what I could do for a quick post, and I stumbled upon this photo.


This is a picture of my dorm room door from my sophomore year in college.  I shared it with two my two friends Beth and Audrey.  We dubbed it “The F.B.I.” or “The Funk Bureau of Investigation”.  We had some guy friends who referred to their room as “Funk Central”, so our room was considered an off-shoot, and we were also completely obsessed with The X-Files… thus, our name.

It was college, don’t ask.

So this week, I give you a game!  How many X-files references can you spot?  Also, can you tell what season we were up to at this point?

I will point out that the entire area to the right of the door is covered in writings done by ourselves and our x-phile friends.  They’re mostly theories and thoughts in regards to the season that was airing at the time.  Now that I think about it, it was kind of like low tech blogging/social media.

We were ahead of our time.

XF project #4: When you’re a prop person and an X-phile…

One of the several things that I do, is that I am a prop designer/artisan. I’ve worked as such in theatre and film for the past decade or so. I must say, it’s a pretty fun career to have. Basically, I get paid to shop, build, paint, sew and glue stuff.

Anything you see in a play or film that gets picked up and moved is considered a prop. Though, there are lots of gray areas, as we are often in charge of set dressing (stuff that’s hanging on the wall and sitting on shelves) and sometimes even the furniture. And then there’s the whole controversy over whether a purse is a prop or a costume… But that’s really not important to this blog.

What is important, is that as a prop designer I enjoy giving tribute to the things that I love when working on a show. Many geektastic references end up in my work. If someone asks for a nonspecific bottle of alcohol, there may end up being a label inspired by Hawkeye of The Avengers. If there is money asked for, I can guarantee that my prop money will have the face of some random character on it.  I’ve used a bunch of characters from 24, and most recently Elizabeth McCord from Madam Secretary.

But my favorite thing to reference in my prop work is, of course, The X-Files. I fit it in wherever I can, even if it is just putting a 1013 in an address on an envelope, it will find its way into the props that I make.

I’ve been going through my portfolio recently, and decided it would be fun to post some of these items as a part of my summer X-files project. This week I am starting off with one of my favorites. I was working on a production of the musical 9 to 5 at Gateway Playhouse several years back. This was a dream come true considering I loved that movie as a kid and had thoroughly enjoyed it on Broadway.

In the show, as in the film, Violet comes back from shopping for the office and pulls out of a bag; rat poison, ant poison and sweetener… which of course, sets off the crazy strain of events that this brilliant show is comprised of. So these are all things on the prop list, which the prop department needs to bring into reality. The rat poison and sweetener already have a very specific look, as they have to be very similar, and the way they were done in the film was perfect, and somewhat iconic, so my design was based on that. But with the ant poison, I had a bit more of a free-range.

As an X-phile somebody mentions bug extermination, and your mind immediately goes to “War of The Coprophages”, the brilliant season three episode written by Darin Morgan, who actually claims it as one of his lesser episodes, but he is way too hard on himself, because it’s a lot of fun and really quite brilliant!

die bug die

The town of Miller’s Grove, Massachussettes goes crazy when a string of deaths point to an infestation of killer cockroaches. One item that appears more than once in the episode is a brand of insect spray called appropriately “Die Bug Die” (as seen above). We also see Scully giving her dog, Queequeg, a bath in the episode, and she is using a shampoo called “Die Flea Die”. So in my X-Files obsessed mind, what else does one do with a request to make a can of ant poison, but create “Die Ant Die”?


Not only did I create the label based on the images from the show, but also had fun with the fine print. One of the images is blurry but the information on the side of the can is actually the conversation between Mulder and Scully that includes the line “Her name is Bambi?” And then I made up the fun little warning label as a finishing touch.



I love my job.


"Mulder's Window" by Rinaldo Zoontjes 2002

Since the announcement of the return of The X-Files, I’ve seen various entertainment outlets and blogs posting their lists of top 10 or 20 or 7 or 103 things that they expect to see in the show’s revival.  Skinner, a new Flukeman-like monster, Vince Gilligan, no Samantha, more alien conspiracy stuff, Mulder and Scully having sex, Mulder and Scully not having sex.  These were amusing, and it crossed my mind to come up with my own list.  But I then realized that my list is very short…  There’s actually only one thing on it.

What I want and all that I expect from the return of my favorite show is exceptional storytelling.

Or to be more precise, exceptional storytelling, told by a group of remarkably talented people, revolving around two fascinating characters.  When it comes down to it, that’s what The X-Files was and is, and is why it is considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

The X-Files stands as one of those occurrences that are few and far between in the entertainment industry… when every aspect of a production comes together and just clicks, creating all around great stories.  Because after all, that is the general goal of any TV, film, or theatrical production.  But not all are lucky enough to achieve that.  There is so much that goes into any production that if any one aspect is a little off, it can take it from being great, to just okay… or as my father would say, “It had the potential to be good.”

The X-Files managed to hit the mark in every aspect that a production can.  It has great writing, directing, and acting… the special effects were top-notch, the cinematography show defining and medium changing,

The plotlines are interesting, complex and thought provoking.  The end of an episode always left you wondering, curious and questioning the world around you.  They always treated their audience as intelligent beings, never talking down to us or blatantly throwing things in our faces.

They could take themselves seriously, just as well as they could completely make fun of themselves.  Each week you never knew what to expect.  You could get the crap scared out of you, you could have a mind-boggling conspiracy to unravel, you could be crying your eyes out, or you could be laughing your ass off.  You never knew.


Yes, that’s a smoking alien.

Their writing and producing staff has gone on to create some of the best TV in the past decade as well.  Breaking Bad, anyone?  Most people know Vince Gilligan’s name now, did you also know he was key player on The X-Files? How about Howard Gordon of 24 and Homeland?  Also, an X-Files alum.  Frank Spotnitz, Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan, John Shiban, James Wong… follow anything they’ve done and you’re bound to come across some great writing/producing.  Not to mention J.J. Abrams is a huge fan and attributes a lot of the inspiration for his work to The X-Files.

You know that cinematic look that television has today?  The X-Files started that trend by setting out to make a movie quality television episode every week.  Before that, there was a vast difference between the way TV was shot and the way movies were shot. Filming in Vancouver for the first five years allowed them to put more of their budget towards making their effects and the show look film worthy.  In doing so, they raised the bar for everyone else.

The show also had a look all it’s own.  Dark and shadowy, the lighting left a lot up to our imaginations, which made it even more terrifying.  Using only flashlights to light entire scenes, beams bouncing off reflective surfaces, is an X-Files staple. It’s one that I see shows today use every now and again, and whenever I do it makes me smile.

They constantly pushed the envelope of what you could do on TV, from controversial stories of murderous incestuous families, to different methods of shooting a television episode.

Everyone this year was amazed by the continuous shot filming method of Birdman.  Well, did you know that Alfred Hitchcock filmed Rope in that style?  And The X-Files, inspired by that, made the episode Triangle using that same method. It wasn’t that they were just telling cookie cutter stories they were constantly trying new things in their design, directing and writing.  They weren’t just making a TV show, they were pushing their industry, challenging themselves, and making art.


The 6th season episode Triangle, used  the continuous shot method in a tribute to Hitchcock, as well as making various nods to The Wizard of Oz.

But then let’s not forget one of the most important aspects of storytelling.  You then add that the whole thing revolved around two characters that we cared for immensely.  David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson brought to life these intelligent and interesting characters who represent battling sides of us all, the side that wants to believe and the side that knows to think rationally.

But not only that, this was one of the best casting choices ever made, as one of the hardest things to do is to cast great actors who can not only bring a character to life, but also connect to the other characters.  Lacking that, the characters will seem less real, making it hard for the audience to become attached to them and want to come back to watch them every week.  Yes, I am referring to what is generally known as ‘chemistry’ and these two had it in abundance.

Because of the undeniable connection between these two characters, it didn’t matter how many times their lives were threatened, it didn’t matter we were fairly sure that they weren’t going to be killed off, we were still whole heartedly in for the ride because we were pining for the one who didn’t know their partner was going to be ok.  We would follow Mulder and Scully to the ends of the earth and back, and we did on various occasions.

Even when an episode was not one of the best (when you’re dealing with a twenty four episode season, there’s going to be a few that aren’t great), they brought such skill and intelligence to these characters, that even when the premise was weird or the story was just a bit off, you would still be completely enthralled just listening to the two of them talk about goat suckers for an hour.


They had us at “Nobody down here but the FBI’s most unwanted”.

There are many shows that I try to watch because I like the premise, or there are actors that I like in the cast, but I eventually stop watching because the writing is horrific or the directing is not great, the way it is edited makes no sense, or I have zero interest in the characters.  Call me a snob or too picky all you want but if I’m going to dedicate time to watching a show, I want it to be worth it.

Chris Carter instilled in me a high standard for my television viewing and I thank him for that.  He brought together a large group of extremely talented people and created some truly phenomenal medium changing storytelling.

I once had the amazing experience to find myself sitting in a restaurant, across a table from Chris Carter and David Duchovny.  Everything I could ever have said, left my brain… but I did manage to get out a few things, including this subject.  To which they unanimously responded that they were brand new to this whole thing, and really had no idea what they were doing when they started out.  Which makes this feat even more impressive.

Some people go to great schools for this, some spend years working in the industry learning how to tell stories, but not all figure it out.  And then there are those who just have the knack for it, and the knack for finding others who are just as good at it, they all lend to each others’ strengths and weaknesses and create something that people are still interested in seeing more of 22 years later.

So all that I expect and am looking forward to with the return of The X-Files, is this group of people coming together again and doing what they do best. Telling great stories.

It’s gonna be so good!!