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XF Project #6: Ascend to the Stars

For the next installment of my X-Files Project, I have another T’shirt/souvenir design for you!!

This is my tribute to the mountain famous in the world of The X-Files for its link to abductions, starting with that of Dana Scully (though whether it was by aliens or the government, or both, can still be debated), and then returning to it for another big abduction plot several seasons later, with Mulder as the skeptic and Scully more willing to believe!

I took the design from the phonebook ad that Mulder looks up (yes, this was the 90’s, people still used phonebooks), when he recognizes the phrase that Duane Barry used when trying to explain where he was supposed to be going to meet his alien abductors.


The newest version can be found on Zazzle. I played with the color and shape, and plan on adding a few more choices for the color of the actual design in the near future, as well as adding more items.  I have also left the option available for you to pick the actual item color and style.  There is also an older version of this design on Café Press, if you prefer it in black.


This is your chance to own a souvenir from Skyland Mountain!  You can claim that you found your mountain, and came back without being abducted! …Or did you?