Blog Archives

XF Project #5: Back in the day…

I am aware that I am getting behind on this.  But some of my projects have been taking a little more time than expected, so I keep getting delayed.  But I did promise a post a week.  So I was going through some old photos to see what I could do for a quick post, and I stumbled upon this photo.


This is a picture of my dorm room door from my sophomore year in college.  I shared it with two my two friends Beth and Audrey.  We dubbed it “The F.B.I.” or “The Funk Bureau of Investigation”.  We had some guy friends who referred to their room as “Funk Central”, so our room was considered an off-shoot, and we were also completely obsessed with The X-Files… thus, our name.

It was college, don’t ask.

So this week, I give you a game!  How many X-files references can you spot?  Also, can you tell what season we were up to at this point?

I will point out that the entire area to the right of the door is covered in writings done by ourselves and our x-phile friends.  They’re mostly theories and thoughts in regards to the season that was airing at the time.  Now that I think about it, it was kind of like low tech blogging/social media.

We were ahead of our time.