XF Project week 3: Geek Merchandise or Chicken Chase

I apologize, this post is long delayed but I was trying to sort out the workings of Zazzle for this week’s X-Files Project post.

I love geek paraphernalia, but I prefer subtle geek paraphernalia.  This meaning that I like to wear T’shirts that don’t blatantly plaster what they are from across them.  I don’t own a shirt that says “The X-Files” on it.  I like it to be more of a thing for those who know to see it, recognize it, and get excited… and everyone else has to ask.  That is, if they really want to know.  It’s a great conversation starter in either instance!

For example, I love wearing my Phoenix and Dark Phoenix T’shirts that I made myself.  They just have the Phoenix symbol emblazoned on a green and maroon tank respectively.  I frequently have people ask me what team it is the symbol for… sigh.  But then there are those who get it!  I was once walking through Prospect Park, a bunch of guys were handing out fliers for a candidate running for mayor at the time.  I was doing my best to avoid eye contact and get past them, when one of the guys yelled out, “Jean Grey would vote for George!” (George was not actually the guy’s name).  This made me smile and I took a flier from them.

I have various ideas that have been popping around in my head for awhile of X-Files related T’shirt designs.  Some I have already put into existence, some are still in my head.  I’ll post some of the older ones later, but this is my newest endeavor.

Before Hannibal Lecter started serving up his favored fare, probably the most notable cannibals on scripted television were the citizens of Dudley, Arkansas.  In the second season episode Our Town, Mulder and Scully are sent to the town on a missing persons case that turns out to be quite disturbing and unappetizing.


Yeah, this might keep you up at night.

This is the episode that ended my streak of asking for KFC for my birthday dinner every year.  It is also attached to one of the few days I remember from my college biology class (yes, all are X-Files related).  We were shown a documentary on Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, which point by point touched almost every topic brought up in the episode’s storyline.  I wish I could remember the name of the documentary, but I’m pretty sure that Frank Spotnitz had seen it.  I had read that The X-Files really did their research on the science used in their episodes, and this solidified that for me as a definite truth.


I’ve also always enjoyed the Chaco Chicken company logo (see above), very similar to that of the aforementioned fast food chain, giving it an unnerving twist with the included double entendre tag line, “Good People, Good Food”.  So I thought the company should get it’s own merchandising.  And here it is!  You can now own your very own cannibalistic overtone shirt, keychain, mug, etc… from the one and only Chaco Chicken processing plant.  Wear the shirt… just don’t eat the chicken!

Currently, I have a variety of shirts available (you can also customize the products to your liking).  Check out the store here!!!  Keep an eye out for new additions coming soon!




Posted on June 24, 2015, in Musings of a Beanhead, X-Files Project 2015 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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