Doesn’t everyone need a geeky goal to fill their summer?

Hello Everyone!

I know I’ve had this blog for a while and have barely done anything with it (hey, I’m a busy person).  But I have decided to set myself a goal for the summer/possibly beyond.

My favorite TV show is returning and I’ve decided to do a dedication of sorts.  If you are not already aware, I’m talking about one of the greatest television shows of all time, The X-Files!  Haven’t seen it?  You should.  You won’t regret it! … except when you can no longer go near vents or use a port-a-potty or enter a parking garage… but they aren’t THAT necessary are they?

My goal is to do a weekly blog post of something X-Files related.  It may be my ramblings on the topic, or some artwork, possibly old articles, maybe musings of my fellow x-phile cohorts from when the show was still airing (yes, guys, I kept them), or maybe I’ll even start getting the work of other philes involved.  We shall see…

So watch this space.  I shall be starting soon.

Until then… eat some sunflower seeds, call your partner, and have an intellectual conversation about Darwin.




Posted on May 30, 2015, in X-Files Project 2015 and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

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